Šī gada 3. novembrī 18:30 k/t “Kino Citadele” notiks “Kinoblogeri piedāvā” un “Cēsu alus” rīkotais īpašais pirmizrādes seanss gada neparastākajai komiksfilmai “Doktors Streindžs” (“Doctor Strange”)!
Biļetes jau pieejamas: http://ej.uz/drstrange
Izcils neiroķirurgs. Augstprātīgs snobs. Katastrofas upuris. Burvis. Supervaronis. Benedikts Kamberbačs. Tas arī ir šķietami viss, ko mēs zinām par “Marvel Studios” jaunāko (pēc kārtas jau 14.!) darbu, kurš par spīti tendencēm atkal ir varoņa izcelsmes stāsts! Un kāds – ja Dzelzs vīru, Kapteini Ameriku un Toru (un pat Skudrcilvēku) mēs vēl varam saprast, tad ar šo filmu “Marvel” filmu pasaulē beidzot parādās visīstākā MAĢIJA:
Izdzīvojis briesmīgā autokatastrofā, kura pārtrauca viņa veiksmīgo neiroķirurga karjeru, Stīvens Streindžs pamet ikdienišķo pasauli un dodas tālā ceļojumā dziedniecības meklējumos. Negaidīti atklājis sevī mistiskas spējas transformēt laiku un telpu, Streindžs kļūst par saiti, kura vieno divas paralēlās pasaules un viņa misijas uzdevums – aizsargāt Zemes iedzīvotājus no Ļaunuma visos tā veidolos…
Bez Benedikta, kurš, šķiet, bija dzimis atveidot šo lomu, filmā redzēsim virkni supervaroņu filmām neraksturīgu aktieru – izcilie Tilda Svintone un Madss Mikelsens, kā arī vēl viens Benedikts (Vongs), Reičela Makadamsa un Čuitels Edžiofors kā barons Mordo. Protams, ka lielākā daļa no šiem varoņiem iesakņosies skatītāju jau iemīļotajā “Marvel” filmu pasaulē! Maģija, okultisms un pārdabiskie spēki prasa pieredzējušu stūrmani, un šoreiz tas ir režisors Skots Deriksons, filmu “Sinisters”, “Atbrīvo mūs no ļauna” un “Emīlijas Rouzas eksorcisms” autors.
Pirms filmas vēl padziļinātāk nekā mūsu dižrakstā iepazīsimies ar šī ārkārtīgi interesantā un netipiskā supervaroņa izcelsmes vēsturi, kā arī baudīsim dzērienus no “Cēsu alus”. Iespējams, ka neiztiks bez (maģiskiem) pārsteigumiem!
Ļoti gaidām jūs šī gada 3. novembrī 18:30 k/t “Kino Citadele” SCAPE auditorijā!
Biļetes jau pieejamas: http://ej.uz/drstrange
Facebook pasākums: https://www.facebook.com/events/1536563840000876/
Bet ko par filmu saka ārzemju kritiķi? Tie ir sajūsmā – gan par tās vizuālo pusi, gan arī par visu pārējo:
Doctor Strange's action set pieces make an MC Escher paintings look tame. Some really great, clever, incentive stuff. Worth the 3D ticket.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) October 20, 2016
I saw Dr Strange. It is better than I could have ever hoped for. Among the very best Marvel films. It dazzles and entertains throughout.
— Jeff Cannata (@jeffcannata) October 20, 2016
#DoctorStrange is definitely Marvel's strangest movie to date, but it's weird & wild in all the best ways. Incredible imagery, heady story
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) October 20, 2016
not going to say DOCTOR STRANGE is the best Marvel movie. It’s not. But it’s an awesome Doctor Strange movie with visuals that will floor u.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) October 20, 2016
I liked DOCTOR STRANGE. The most self-contained Marvel movie in a long time. Fun visuals. Almost felt like a reboot of the first IRON MAN.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) October 20, 2016
#DoctorStrange is SPELLBINDING! Hot movie! Great performances especially Cumberbatch as Strange, storytelling, & incredible visual effects!?
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) October 20, 2016
DOCTOR STRANGE is guilty of *all* the usual Marvel movie problems, but Tilda & some VERY trippy visuals make it a spectacle worth savoring.
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) October 20, 2016
#DoctorStrange is a stunning visual achievement. A welcome blast of weirdness that opens up the MCU. Super dug it. Maybe best viewed on ???
— jen yamato (@jenyamato) October 20, 2016
The more I think about it, the more I like #DoctorStrange. Maybe the best origin #Marvel film next to Iron Man.
— Alex Welch (@AlexRWelch) October 21, 2016
#DoctorStrange is pretty all around delightful. Excellent visuals, great characters, inventive use of magic & Cumberbatch is fantastic.
— Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) October 20, 2016
Yea I loved DOCTOR STRANGE. Y'all are not prepared for how trippy and psychedelic it is.
— Brandon Norwood (@bwood0824) October 20, 2016
#DoctorStrange has weak spots but it's a solid intro to the character. Refreshing and exciting to see such bold, unique story on screen.
— Perrinormal Activity (@PNemiroff) October 20, 2016
Prepare to dig #DoctorStrange! Not the strongest script, but it legitimately adds new colors to the MCU, and the action is beautiful & crazy
— Evil Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) October 20, 2016
#DoctorStrange : Showstoppers are the kaleidoscopic, trippy visuals. Sufficient at dealing w/ stakes in special-effects driven worlds.
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) October 20, 2016
#DoctorStrange isn't one of Marvel's very best, but it is still a very entertaining and visually dazzling movie with plenty of highlights.
— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) October 20, 2016
#DoctorStrange breaks new ground for the MCU with action, spectacle, tone, and characters unlike anything we've seen before.
— Sean Gerber (@MrSeanGerber) October 20, 2016
Had a damn good time with #DoctorStrange! It's a fun, funny, inventive movie with one of the best ensemble casts I've seen in a long time.
— Christina Radish (@ChristinaRadish) October 20, 2016
DOCTOR STRANGE: it's a whole lot of fun watching Cumberbatch be an American asshole. Also, a bit of an acid trip. See on empty stomach.
— Anna Klassen (@AnnaJKlassen) October 20, 2016
Intricate, beautiful visual design – the details sing. All the sorcery rules are a bit silly of course, but a total hoot if you go with it.
— Mike Dougherty (@Mike_Doc) October 20, 2016
Even beyond its insane visuals (cool stuff like you've never seen before), #DoctorStrange is tons of fun. A bit formulaic, but very solid.
— Ben Pearson (@benpears) October 20, 2016
DOCTOR STRANGE = YES on California Proposition 64 because I want some of whatever Marvel has been smoking and I want it stat
— Josh L. Spoockey (@JLDlite) October 20, 2016
Review #DoctorStrange is a wonderfully trippy, visually stunning origin story that intros great characters into the MCU & #CloakOfLevitation pic.twitter.com/bed50icyJE
— Andy Signore (@andysignore) October 20, 2016