Toronto starptautiskajā kinofestivālā (, uz kuru mēs noteikti kādreiz aizbrauksim, savu pirmizrādi piedzīvoja Ridlja Skota jaunākā zinātniskās fantastikas filma “Marsietis” (The Martian), pēc populāras grāmatas un ar Metu Deimonu galvenajā lomā.
Ridliju Skotu mūsdienās pieņemts pelt par slinkumu un autopilotu (un vismaz “The Counselor” un “Exodus: Gods and Kings” to tā kā apstiprina, par “Prometheus” vēl notiek karsti strīdi), bet pa īstam to nevienam darīt negribas, tādēļ pietiek Ridlijam saņemties un uzfilmēt kā minimums skatāmu filmu, tā kritiķi aplaudē, met gaisā kepkas un čurā karstu. Mūsu recenzijas (un arī seanss!) jau drīz, bet pagaidām – atsauksmes no aizjūras kolēgiem:
Loved THE MARTIAN. Going to be a big hit for Fox and Ridley Scott. Great script and performances. Worth seeing in 3D.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) September 11, 2015
Just saw The Martian this morning. Loved it. It’s inspirational, a story about proving the impossible is possible. Now I want to go to Mars. — Alex Billington (@firstshowing) September 11, 2015
Dear Ridley Scott, More like this, please. Thanks, Drew
— DrewAtHitFix (@DrewAtHitFix) September 11, 2015
THE MARTIAN: They screenwrote the shit out of that. Faithful to the book, with added bonus of Matt Damon landing every joke. #TIFF15 — Matt Patches (@misterpatches) September 11, 2015
THE MARTIAN is a lot of fun. Slight and a bit silly, but supremely entertaining. Damon is pitch perfect casting. #TIFF15
— Adam Chitwood (@adamchitwood) September 11, 2015
#TheMartian is Ridley Scott’s best film at least in this decade. And so much better than #Interstellar! #TIFF15 — Patrick Heidmann (@patrickheidmann) September 11, 2015
THE MARTIAN: A pleasant, breezy space adventure that doesn’t have the time or patience for the book’s scientific exploration. #TIFF2015
— Matt Goldberg (@MattGoldberg) September 11, 2015
THE MARTIAN: A sometimes funny and sometimes thrilling space adventure about nerds and the power of science. Loved it. — Alison Willmore (@alisonwillmore) September 11, 2015
THE MARTIAN is a blast. Feels like a throwback to 90s space jams like Apollo 13 & Armageddon (in a good way). Gonna be big hit. #TIFF15
— Kevin Polowy (@djkevlar) September 11, 2015
THE MARTIAN just leaped into my top 3 favorite movies of 2015 so far. So many great things about this one. Little long but worth it #TIFF15 — ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) September 11, 2015
I was wrapped up THE MARTIAN from 1st launch. Ridley, your PROMETHEUS sins are forgiven. #tiff15
— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) September 11, 2015
I give THE MARTIAN five out of five potatoes. #TIFF15 — Linda Holmes (@nprmonkeysee) September 11, 2015
Sen bija laiks kaut kam pozitīvam un iedvesmojošam par kosmosu un zinātni, savādāk jau šķita ka biedēšana nekad nebeigsies. Prieks par komandu un Skotu ka filma izdevusies.