Gaidītā “Zvaigžņu ceļš: Bezgalība” pirmizrāde jau šodien – un pirmie seansi notiek jau burtiski tagad, kad lasāt šīs rindas. Kamēr vietējie bāleliņi vēl nav pacentušies ar atsauksmēm par filmu, piedāvājam uzzināt, ko par filmu domā ārzemju kinoblogeri un kinokritiķi!
Pēc silti uzņemtā “Star Trek” un pretrunīgi vērtētā “Star Trek Into Darkness” Dž. Dž. Eibramsa priekšā bija grūta izvēle… No kuras viņš izvairījās, vienkārši aizejot filmēt “Star Wars”! Jauns režisors, jauni izaicinājumi, jauna atbildība – vai Džastins Līns tika galā? Izklausās, ka tika un spīdoši, sākot jau ar filmas RottenTomatoes reitingu – izskatās, ka “Star Trek Beyond ” varētu būt šīsvasaras atzītākais grāvējs:
Big sigh of relief: STAR TREK BEYOND is a blast. Easily the best of the new series.
— Don Kaye (@donkaye) July 14, 2016
STAR TREK BEYOND does something magical: has big, bold action but puts these characters in, basically, a TOS episode. For me it was a dream.
— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) July 14, 2016
Was so happy watching Star Trek Beyond. Love this cast. Movie isn’t perfect but it’s funny, filled with great action, and isn’t on Earth!
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) July 14, 2016
No idea what the hardcore will think, but I reeeeeally enjoyed STAR TREK BEYOND. This should have been the sequel to ’09.
— TheMoogly (@DrewAtHitFix) July 14, 2016
Just saw Star Trek Beyond. I am allowed to say I really, really enjoyed it. Way better than Into Darkness & closest to spirit of TOS. ?
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) July 14, 2016
Actually, I can say that #StarTrekBeyond is terrific. Funny, exciting and touching.
— Scott Collura (@ScottCollura) July 14, 2016
Some of #StarTrekBeyond‘s best moments are Sofia Boutella moments. Great addition, kickass character, hope she comes back for more Trek ?
— jen yamato (@jenyamato) July 14, 2016
STAR TREK BEYOND: slick, self-contained & has the best music cue of any blockbuster this yr. by 2016 standards, it’s the sistine chapel. [C]
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) July 14, 2016
Star Trek Beyond is a well made scifi adventure. It just isn’t Star Trek. It’s a pretty good Mass Effect movie, though, if you want that.
— Jeff Cannata (@jeffcannata) July 14, 2016
#StarTrekBeyond is a lot of fun. Leagues better than Into Darkness. I don’t like it quite as much as 2009 though.
— Alex Welch (@AlexRWelch) July 14, 2016
STAR TREK BEYOND is very entertaining, surprisingly earnest, occasionally dopey (but in a good way). I think Trek fans will really dig it.
— Bilge Ebiri (@BilgeEbiri) July 14, 2016
#StarTrekBeyond was great fun at warp speed. Still lacking #Roddenberry-an moral dilemmas, but a welcome course correction for the franchise
— Scott Huver (@thehuve) July 14, 2016
Thumbs up. I think most people are going to really enjoy Star Trek Beyond
— John Campea (@johncampea) July 14, 2016
Just saw #StarTrekBeyond, and it’s infinitely better than Star Trek Into Darkness. One of the most entertaining Trek films.
— William Bibbiani (@WilliamBibbiani) July 14, 2016
Simon Pegg’s co-writing on @StarTrek Beyond balances humor & action which makes up for a few big hiccups in an otherwise entertaining flick
— Jeff Goldsmith (@yogoldsmith) July 14, 2016
Star Trek Beyond’s character moments are its strongest quality. The crew’s banter and conversations are as fun as the action.
— Jack Giroux (@JackGi) July 14, 2016
My feelings about #StarTrekBeyond are being sorted out, but the indisputable fact is Karl Urban is this film’s MVP.
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) July 14, 2016
I’ll also say that Chris Pine is better as Kirk in #StarTrekBeyond than he’s ever been before.
— Alex Welch (@AlexRWelch) July 14, 2016
The word is given!! #StarTrekBeyond is a blast! Great fun, action, humor! A throwback to The Original Series! LOVE!
— Scott Mantz (@MovieMantz) July 14, 2016
“Zvaigžņu ceļš: Bezgalība” Latvijas kinoteātros jau no 22. jūlija!